GY521 MPU6050 Module 6DOF
GY521 MPU6050 module 6DOF 3-Axis Gyroscope and Accelerometer Module is a carrier board based on MPU-6050 sensor which contains an accelerometer and a gyroscope. MPU-6050 sensor contains a MEMS accelerometer and a MEMS gyro in a single chip. It is very accurate, as it contains 16-bits analog to digital conversion hardware for each channel. Therefore it captures the x, y, and z channel at the same time. The sensor uses the I2C-bus to interface with microcontrollers.
GY-521 MPU6050 6DOF 3-Axis Gyroscope and Accelerometer Module is not expensive, especially given the fact that it combines both an accelerometer and a gyroscope.
- Controlled Flying Robots
- Motion sensing game
- Augmented Reality
- Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS: Electronic Image Stabilization)
- Optical image stabilization (OIS: Optical Image Stabilization)
- Pedestrian Navigator
- Zero-touch gesture user interface
- The postures quick way sensor
- 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscope
- MPU-6050
- Supports I2C protocol
- Chip built-in 16bit AD converter
- 16bit data output
- Selectable gyroscope range
- Selectable acceleration range
- Great for DIY projects
Technical Specifications
- Chip: MPU-6050
- Power supply: 3v-5V
- Gyroscope range: + 250 500 1000 2000/ s
- Acceleration range: 2 4 8 16 g
- Communication: Standard IIC communication agreement
- Chip built-in 16 bit AD converter, 16 bits of data output
- Pin Pitch 2.54 mm
- SIZE: 20.3mm x 15.6mm
Download Documents
- MPU-6050 Device Datasheet
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