2SC945 C945 50V 0.15A Bipolar NPN Transistor
Bipolar NPN Transistor is an age-old Japanese Bipolar audio frequency NPN transistor. 2SC945 50V NPN transistor has a decent gain value (hfe) of maximum 700 and is highly linear. Hence this bipolar transistor was widely used in amplifier applications for pre-amplifying purpose, in high-frequency circuits. This NPN junction transistor is also used as oscillators with is complementary A733 PNP transistor.
When used as a switch it can easily be controlled by an MCU/MPU since it has a base voltage of only 5V. C945 transistor NPN can switch loads up to 50V but has a very low collector current rating of the only 150mA so this transistor is not really a good choice to be used as a switch. A better alternative for switching applications will be 2N2222.
Features Of 2SC945 Best Bipolar NPN Transistor:
- 2sc925 well known as C945 NPN transistor.
- Max Voltage Collector Emmiter=50 V.
- Max Collector current=150 mA.
- Collector power dissipation: 400 mW.
- Japanese High-frequency amplifier NPN Transistor.
- Current Gain (hFE) is 70 to 700 (high linearity).
- Continuous Collector current (IC) is 150mA.
- Collector-Emitter voltage (VCEO) is 50 V.
- Collector-Base voltage (VCB0) is 60V.
- Emitter Base Voltage (VBE0) is 5V.
- Transition Frequency is 150MHz.
Specifications Of Amplifier High-Frequency OSC NPN Transistor:
- Type of transistor: NPN
- Polarisation: Bipolar
- Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage: 60V
- Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage: 50V
- Collector current: 150mA
- Power: 250mW
- Case: TO92
- Mounting: THT
- Frequency: 250MHz
Pin Description:
- Emitter: Current Drains out through the emitter, normally connected to the ground
- Collector: Current flows in through the collector, normally connected to the load
- Base: Controls the biasing of the transistor, Used to turn ON or OFF the transistor
- Low current switches
- Pre-amplifiers
- H-bridge circuits for low-power motors
- Audio frequency amplifier circuits
- Oscillator circuits
Package Includes:
- 1 x 2SC945 Bipolar NPN Transistor
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