The UA723CN (Direct Replacement for the LM723CN LM723) is a voltage regulator designed primarily for series regulator applications. By itself, it will supply output currents up to 150 mA but external transistors can be added to provide any desired load current. The circuit features an extremely low standby current drain, and provision is made for folding or linear current limiting. The UA723CN is also useful in a wide range of other applications, such as a bypass regulator, current regulator or a temperature controller.
The uA723 is a precision integrated-circuit voltage regulator, featuring high ripple rejection, excellent input and load regulation, excellent temperature stability, and low standby current. The circuit consists of a temperature-compensated reference-voltage amplifier, an error amplifier, a 150-mA output transistor, and an adjustable-output current limiter.The uA723 is characterized for operation from 0C to 70C.
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